Analytics Weekly Highlights | 2024-W22


6/3/20242 min read

Welcome to the Analytics Weekly Highlights for Week 22 of 2024. Let's dive into the latest trends and operations in Inverse Finance Ecosystem.

Supply & Market Capitalisation

  • INV FDV USD: 23,248,950 (Change: -1.83%)

  • INV Circulating Supply USD: 22,548,523 (Change: -1.30%)

  • INV Circulating: 538,279 (Change: +0.54%)



This week the Fed Chair there were no changes in the DOLA supply, keeping the latter at its ATH.

  • Total DOLA Supply: 132,323,367 (No Change)


  • Borrowers: 60 (+3)

  • Stakers: 215 (+1)

  • Active Users: 250 (+3)


In week 22 Firm TVL cools off below USD 50 millions, as for the rest of the market following the ETF news. We can also see a sharp rebound of the current borrows mainoly driven by the new wstETH market.

  • Total Collateral: 48,873,617 USD (Change: -1.34%)

  • Current Borrows: 18,679,624 DOLA (Change: +5.95%)

This week we spotted numerous whales transactions, notably on wstETH, DAI and cvxFXS markets with 5 transactions above the 100k USD value (see details in the table below).


This week is a quiet week after a previous record breaking week with relatively few DBR burned.

  • Burned: 32,369 DBR (Change: +0.21%)

  • Total Burned: 15,152,525 DBR

  • No noticeable transaction spotted.


Week 22 sees sDOLA deposits increasing sharply to 1,451,202 (+18.13%).

DBR Virtual Auction

This week the DBR auction continues to display impressive double digit increases :

Total DOLA bougth : 680,091 DOLA (+69,659 DOLA / +11.41%)
Total DBR sold : 4,657,883 DBR (+607,200 / +14.99%)

DOLA Liquidity Pools

This week we are introducing large revisions to our methodology, including more liquidity pools to our historical figures. For this reason the figures and relative changes might differ from what you would expect regardingthe previous week.

On the LP front, we observe a slight increase of both DOLA deposits and other assets in LPs with an impressive stability of the ratio over the week.

  • DOLA in LPs: 81,944,042 (+0.87%)

  • Other Assets in LPs: 67,704,853 USD (+1.25%)

  • DOLA/Other Assets Ratio: 121.03 (Change: +2.64 pp)

The largest changes this week are observed in the DOLA-USDbC Aero lp on Base with a USD 2.6 million increase (+3.38%) in TVL.


Stay tuned for more insights next week ! If you have any data question don't hesitate to reach out to @naouufel on X/Twitter or to the Analytics General channel on our Discord.

This week the governance process took a rest, with no proposal created, queued or executed.


Supply & Market Capitalisation : positions : on-chain data (RPC) , prices : DefiLLama

FiRM & Governance : on-chain data (subgraph: inverse-governance-subgraph)

DOLA Feds : on-chain data (RPC)

Markets : prices: Coingecko ; CEX trades & volume: Coingecko ; DEX trades & volume: on-chain data

Liquidity Pools : positions : on-chain data (RPC) ; prices : DefiLLama

To process and analyze the data we make a heavy use of python scripts and SQL which rely on our in-house data analytics platform Inverse Watch.

The data presented in this article has been aggregated on a weekly basis and is combining multiple data sources listed below. It is presented for information purposes and does not constitute an investment advice.

This analysis was realized taking assumptions due to the quality of the historical data available for some token prices. For this reason, some historical values might deviate from the reality

We do strive to continuously improve our data productions processes and are upgrading our methodology every day with the best tools available. For this rreason the data might periodically get revised.
