Analytics Weekly Highlights | 2023-W50


12/18/20234 min read

Hello, invaders, and welcome to our Analytics Weekly Highlights for week 50!

In the crypto realm this week, we've seen a mix of volatility and stability. The Inverse Finance market experienced some adjustments, with Total and Circulating Supply taking a slight dip. However, there's an upbeat note in the DOLA Feds, buoyed by some notable expansions.

Over in the FiRM area, user activity has somewhat cooled down, yet our liquidity pools have been lively, demonstrating adaptability in a fluctuating market environment. The exchange markets presented a varied picture, with $DOLA notably maintaining a steady course amidst diverse trends across other assets.

Let's dive into the details of this week's activities and explore some of the details of these market dynamics!

Supply & Market Capitalisation

This week, the Inverse Finance market observed a downward trend in both Total and Circulating Supply, reflecting the current market contraction phase

  • Total Supply: 18,168,000 USD (Change: -10.58%)

  • Circulating Supply: 17,993,629 USD (Change: -10.58%)

  • Circulating INV: 446,475 INV (Change: +2.75%)


The DOLA Feds witnessed a substantial increase in total supply, primarily fueled by expansions in base market (+4.5 M), while observing notable contractions in FiRM and Convex Feds (respectively -1.3 M and -2 M DOLA).

Total Supply: $50,877,669 (+1,385,882 DOLA / +2.80%)


FiRM's user activity showed a slight decline for week 50, indicating a cooling period in borrowing and staking activities with a few users exiting their INV staking positions.

The protocol TVL also cools down to USD 58.3 million , mainly driven by the prices of CRV and cvxCRV collaterals as well as stakers taking profits on xINV market.

Borrowers are also showing signs of restreint in case of a larger correction with a very modest increase  of the current borrows (+0.19%).


  • Total Collateral: 58,366,886 USD (-4,006,551 USD / -6.42%)

  • Current Borrows: 15,287,541 DOLA (29,616 USD / 0.19%)


  • Burned: 17,064 DBR (0.32% of total amount burned)

  • Total Burned: 5,262,537 DBR

  • Depositors : 238 (-3)

  • Stakers : 213 (-3)

  • Borrowers : 51 (+0)

Exchange Markets

This week in the Inverse Finance ecosystem, we observed an overall down trend in prices with DOLA showing strength in the light of an important decrease in volume.

  • $INV saw a downturn in both its price and trading volume, indicating a phase of reduced market activity following previous high volumes.

  • $DOLA maintained relative price stability with a slight uptick, despite a noticeable drop in trading volume, suggesting consistent investor interest amidst changing market conditions.

  • $DBR experienced a significant decrease in both price and volume, marking a shift in policy towards more affordable loans in the current market.


  • Price: 38.44 USD (-2.72 USD / -6.59%)

  • Weekly Volume: 2,790,924.55 USD (-1,937,930 USD / -69.44%)


  • Price: 0.9916 USD (+0.0062 USD / +0.64%)

  • Weekly Volume: 3,339,000.20 USD (-1,503,471 USD / -45.03%)


  • Price: 0.1313 USD (-0.0331 USD / -20.16%)

  • Weekly Volume: 21,521.47 USD (-310,884 USD / -1,444.53%)

DOLA Liquidity Pools

DOLA is showing its strenght on the liquidity stage ! This week the total ratio DOLA / Other assets is showing a net regression by more than 5 percentage points boosted by deposits on D0LA-FRAX-USDC and DOLA-USDC aero LPs : this underline that yields available on the different markets are still attracting stable farmers even in those market conditions.

The following are the key highlights:

  • DOLA Value in LPs: 29,309,077 USD (+1,640,892 USD / +1.59%)

  • Other Assets Value in LPs: 21,436,708 USD (-80,329 USD / +4.83%)

  • DOLA/Other Assets: 136.72% (-5.22 pp)

  • Most Significant Pool Contribution:

    • Pool Name: D0LA-USDC aerolp

    • Protocol: Aerodrome on Base

    • Variation in DOLA: +831,149 (+15.86 %)

    • TVL Variation USD : + 1,329,874 (+18.32 %)

These figures indicate a very dynamic LP depositors activity shifting from one market to another with TVL changes ranging from -26.8% to +18.32% (see breakdown below).


Nothing new this time, come back next week !

That's all for this week folks ! If you have any data question don't hesitate to reach out to @naouufel on X/Twitter or to the Analytics General channel on our Discord

Have a great week invaders !


Supply & Market Capitalisation : positions : on-chain data (RPC) , prices : DefiLLama

FiRM & Governance : on-chain data (subgraph: inverse-governance-subgraph)

DOLA Feds : on-chain data (RPC)

Markets : prices: Coingecko ; CEX trades & volume: Coingecko ; DEX trades & volume: on-chain data

Liquidity Pools : positions : on-chain data (RPC) ; prices : DefiLLama

To process and analyze the data we make a heavy use of python scripts and SQL which rely on our in-house data analytics platform Inverse Watch.

The data presented in this article has been aggregated on a weekly basis and is combining multiple data sources listed below. It is presented for information purposes and does not constitute an investment advice.

This analysis was realized taking assumptions due to the quality of the historical data available for some token prices. For this reason, some historical values might deviate from the reality

We do strive to continuously improve our data productions processes and are upgrading our methodology every day with the best tools available to improve the quality of our reports. For this rreason the data might periodically get revised.
